
Scrum 是一個廣泛採用的框架,用於管理和完成複雜的項目,特別是在軟體開發領域。Scrum 的核心是一個經驗主義的過程,這個過程基於三個關鍵支柱:透明度、檢查和適應。這些支柱對於確保 Scrum 過程保持有效、靈活並響應變化至關重要。讓我們深入探討這些支柱,並探討它們如何應用於 Scrum 框架中。

1. 透明度 (Transparency)

透明度是 Scrum 框架的基石。它確保過程的各個方面對負責結果的人可見。這種可見性使利益相關者能夠做出知情決策並了解項目的當前狀態。在 Scrum 中,透明度通過以下幾種方式實現:

  • 每日站會 (Daily Stand-ups):這些短會議為團隊提供了每日同步工作和計劃未來 24 小時的機會。每個團隊成員分享他們前一天做了什麼,計劃今天做什麼,以及他們面臨的任何障礙。
  • 衝刺評論 (Sprint Reviews):在每個衝刺結束時,團隊向利益相關者展示衝刺期間完成的工作。這次評論確保每個人對項目進展和需要進行的任何更改都有相同的理解。
  • 衝刺回顧 (Sprint Retrospectives):在衝刺評論之後,團隊舉行回顧會討論哪些做得好,哪些可以改進,以及未來應採取的行動。這種開放的對話促進了持續改進的文化。


2. 檢查 (Inspection)

Scrum 中的檢查是指對過程和所做工作的定期評估。與傳統的審計員檢查不同,Scrum 檢查由團隊自行進行。目的是識別改進區域並確保項目保持正軌。Scrum 中的關鍵檢查點包括:

  • 衝刺目標 (Sprint Goals):在每個衝刺開始時,團隊為他們計劃實現的目標設定明確的目標。這些目標在每日站會中每天檢查,以確保取得進展。
  • 工件 (Artifacts):Scrum 工件,如產品待辦事項、衝刺待辦事項和增量,定期檢查。產品待辦事項被審查以確保其包含最有價值的工作項目,衝刺待辦事項被檢查以確保團隊能夠實現衝刺目標,增量被檢查以確保其符合完成定義。
  • 反饋迴路 (Feedback Loops):來自利益相關者和團隊成員的持續反饋至關重要。這些反饋用於對過程和產品進行必要的調整和改進。


3. 適應 (Adaptation)

適應是根據檢查獲得的見解進行調整的過程。在 Scrum 中,適應是持續的,並在各個層級進行:

  • 每日適應 (Daily Adaptation):在每日站會中,團隊討論任何障礙並立即對計劃進行調整以解決這些問題。
  • 衝刺適應 (Sprint Adaptation):在每個衝刺結束時,團隊根據衝刺評論的反饋和衝刺回顧的見解調整產品待辦事項。這種適應確保下一個衝刺更好地與項目目標和利益相關者期望對齊。
  • 過程適應 (Process Adaptation):團隊不斷調整 Scrum 過程本身以更好地滿足他們的需求。這可能涉及更改會議格式、調整完成定義或實施新工具和實踐。

適應使 Scrum 真正具有敏捷性。它使團隊能夠迅速轉向以響應變化的需求、新信息或意外挑戰。這種靈活性對於在複雜和不斷變化的環境中提供價值至關重要。

在 Scrum 過程中應用三大支柱

Scrum 的三大支柱——透明度、檢查和適應——是相互依賴的,必須共同應用以實現預期的結果。以下是它們在 Scrum 過程中的協同工作方式:

  1. 透明度促進檢查:沒有透明度,就無法進行有意義的檢查。團隊必須清楚地看到過程和所做的工作,以識別改進區域。
  2. 檢查驅動適應:檢查提供了進行知情適應所需的見解。通過定期評估過程和工作,團隊可以根據數據做出決策,決定實施哪些更改。
  3. 適應增強透明度:適應通常涉及對過程或工作的更改,這些更改需要透明地傳達給團隊和利益相關者。這增強了透明度文化,並確保每個人都與更改保持一致。


Scrum 的三大支柱——透明度、檢查和適應——對於 Scrum 框架的成功至關重要。它們創建了一個反饋迴路,推動持續改進,並確保團隊保持敏捷並響應變化。通過採用這些支柱,團隊可以更有效地提供價值,促進合作和信任的文化,並在複雜和動態的環境中實現項目目標。


  1. The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum) | Scrum.org
    • 描述:本文討論了 Scrum 如何實施一個基於對現實觀察的經驗主義過程,強調心態和文化轉變以實現業務和組織敏捷性。強調 Scrum 中經驗主義的三大支柱對於此過程至關重要2
  2. Scrum Guide | Scrum Guides
    • 描述:Scrum 指南解釋說,Scrum 的經驗主義支柱——透明度、檢查和適應——對於框架的事件和工件至關重要。這些支柱確保過程和工作對所有利益相關者可見,從而使他們能夠做出知情決策。
  3. What is Scrum? | Scrum.org
    • 描述:本資源解釋說,Scrum 是一個受橄欖球啟發的經驗主義過程,決策基於觀察、經驗和實驗。Scrum 的三大支柱——透明度、檢查和適應——對於此過程至關重要3
  4. Agile Pillars | Scrum.org
    • 描述:本論壇討論澄清了雖然不同的敏捷框架有不同的支柱,但 Scrum 的三大支柱是透明度、檢查和適應。討論還涉及這些支柱如何與敏捷價值觀相關4
  5. The Three — Wait: Four — Elements of Empiricism | Scrum.org
    • 描述:本博客文章深入探討了 Scrum 中的經驗主義元素,強調信任是使透明度、檢查和適應三大支柱成為可能的基礎元素。該文章探討了這些元素在 Scrum 中的應用。
  6. Scrum Master Learning Path | Scrum.org
    • 描述:本學習路徑提供了有關 Scrum Master 角色的見解,包括透明度支柱。它提供了一個結構化的指南,以理解和應用 Scrum 理論、實踐、規則和價值觀5

敏捷和 Scrum 資源 – Visual Paradigm

免費 Scrum 資源:指南、範例、教程等

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/ 6

描述:為每個敏捷軟體團隊提供的全面免費 Scrum 指南和資源,涵蓋 Scrum 項目管理、框架、工具、軟體、流程等。

敏捷 Scrum 教程

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/tutorials/agile-tutorial/

描述:一個逐步的敏捷 Scrum 教程,幫助理解敏捷開發的核心概念以及如何從開始到結束(即產品交付)執行敏捷項目。

什麼是敏捷?什麼是 Scrum?

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-is-agile-and-scrum/

描述:一個免費的 Scrum 學習指南,解釋了敏捷和 Scrum 之間的關係,並提供了其他免費的 Scrum 資源。

全面 Scrum 指南

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-is-scrum/ 7

描述:一個詳細的 Scrum 指南,解釋了如何使團隊在每個小開發週期結束時接收和整合客戶反饋。

什麼是敏捷項目管理?- Visual Paradigm

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-is-agile-project-management/ 8

描述:一個免費的敏捷指南,解釋了什麼是敏捷項目管理,並對各種敏捷 Scrum 框架(如大規模 Scrum、Nexus、SAFe 等)進行了詳細說明。

最佳 Scrum 工具:Scrum 流程畫布

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/features/scrum-process-canvas/ 9

描述:一個 Scrum 管理工具,幫助在單個精美設計的 Scrum 流程畫布中無縫導航整個 Scrum 流程。

三分鐘了解 Scrum – Visual Paradigm

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/scrum-in-3-minutes/ 10

描述:對 Scrum 的簡要介紹,解釋了其通過迭代、增量方法開發和維護複雜產品的框架。

敏捷開發:如何成為合格的 Scrum 大師?

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/agile-development- 11

描述:一個關於如何使用 Visual Paradigm 的 Scrum 流程畫布成為合格 Scrum 大師的指南,該畫布幫助團隊無縫導航整個 Scrum 流程。

什麼是 Scrum 儀式?

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum- 12

描述:對 Scrum 儀式的解釋,包括區分 Scrum 流程與其他敏捷流程的角色、事件和工件。

敏捷教程:如何組建 Scrum 團隊

URL: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/tutorials/agile-tutorial/how-to-form-scrum-team/ 13

描述:一個關於如何組建 Scrum 團隊的教程,包括在 Scrum 流程畫布中設置和管理 Scrum 團隊的步驟和指導方針。

Understanding the Three Pillars of Scrum: Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation

Scrum is a widely adopted framework used for managing and completing complex projects, particularly in the software development domain. At its core, Scrum is built on an empirical process that relies on three critical pillars: transparency, inspection, and adaptation. These pillars are essential for ensuring that the Scrum process remains effective, flexible, and responsive to change. In this article, we will delve into each of these pillars and explore how they apply to the Scrum framework.

The Three Pillars of Scrum (And Why You Should Understand Them)


Transparency is the foundation of the Scrum framework. It ensures that various aspects of the process are visible to those responsible for the outcomes. This visibility enables informed decision-making and a clear understanding of the current project status. Transparency in Scrum is achieved through several key practices:

  • Daily Stand-ups: These short meetings provide an opportunity for the team to synchronize their work and plan for the next 24 hours. Each team member shares what they accomplished yesterday, what they plan to do today, and any obstacles they face.
  • Sprint Reviews: At the end of each Sprint, the team demonstrates the work completed during the Sprint to stakeholders. This review ensures that everyone has a shared understanding of the project’s progress and any required changes.
  • Sprint Retrospectives: Following the Sprint Review, the team holds a retrospective to discuss what went well, what can be improved, and the actions to be taken in the future. This open dialogue fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Transparency goes beyond merely sharing information; it creates an environment where everyone feels comfortable being open and honest. This level of transparency builds trust between team members and stakeholders, leading to better collaboration and more effective problem-solving.


In Scrum, inspection involves regular evaluations of the process and the work completed. Unlike traditional audits, Scrum inspections are conducted by the team itself. The goal is to identify areas for improvement and ensure the project stays on track. Key inspection points in Scrum include:

  • Sprint Goals: At the beginning of each Sprint, the team sets clear goals for what they plan to achieve. These goals are checked daily during the Daily Stand-ups to ensure progress is being made.
  • Artifacts: Scrum artifacts, such as the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Increment, are regularly inspected. The Product Backlog is reviewed to ensure it contains the most valuable work items, the Sprint Backlog is checked to ensure the team can deliver the Sprint Goals, and the Increment is inspected to ensure it meets the definition of done.
  • Feedback Loops: Continuous feedback from stakeholders and team members is crucial. This feedback is used to make necessary adjustments and improvements to both the process and the product.

Inspection is not just about checking tasks; it involves critically assessing the process to identify opportunities for improvement. Regular inspections help the team stay agile and responsive to change.


Adaptation is the process of making changes based on insights gained from inspections. In Scrum, adaptation is continuous and occurs at various levels:

  • Daily Adaptation: During Daily Stand-ups, the team discusses any obstacles and immediately adjusts the plan to address these issues.
  • Sprint Adaptation: At the end of each Sprint, the team adjusts the Product Backlog based on feedback from the Sprint Review and insights from the Sprint Retrospective. This adaptation ensures that the next Sprint aligns better with the project’s goals and stakeholder expectations.
  • Process Adaptation: The team continuously refines the Scrum process itself to better meet their needs. This may involve changing meeting formats, adjusting the definition of done, or implementing new tools and practices.

Adaptation makes Scrum truly agile. It enables the team to quickly pivot in response to changing requirements, new information, or unexpected challenges. This flexibility is crucial for delivering value in complex and dynamic environments.

Applying the Three Pillars in the Scrum Process

The three pillars of Scrum—transparency, inspection, and adaptation—are interdependent and must be applied together for successful results. Here’s how they work in concert within the Scrum process:

  • Transparency enables inspection: Without transparency, meaningful inspections cannot be conducted. The team must clearly see the process and the work being done to identify areas for improvement.
  • Inspection drives adaptation: Inspections provide insights necessary for informed adaptations. By regularly evaluating the process and work, the team can make data-driven decisions about which changes to implement.
  • Adaptation enhances transparency: Adaptations often involve changes to the process, which in turn must be communicated clearly to maintain transparency.

In conclusion, the pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation are fundamental to the success of the Scrum framework. By embracing these principles, teams can navigate the complexities of project management more effectively, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and collaboration.