Comprehensive Guide to UML Profiles Based on the Attached Image


A UML (Unified Modeling Language) profile is a mechanism for extending UML to create domain-specific extensions. Profiles allow you to define new stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints that can be applied to UML models to tailor them to specific domains or platforms. This guide will explain the key concepts, components, and practical applications of UML profiles, using the following Figure as a reference.

UML profile diagram

Key Concepts

1. Stereotype

A stereotype is a way to extend the vocabulary of UML by creating new model elements derived from existing ones. Stereotypes are represented by names enclosed in guillemets (« ») and can be applied to various UML elements such as classes, attributes, operations, and relationships.

2. Tagged Values

Tagged values are used to add additional information to model elements. They are defined as part of a stereotype and provide a way to specify properties that are not part of the standard UML.

3. Constraints

Constraints are conditions or rules that must be satisfied by the model. They are represented as text enclosed in curly braces {} and can be used to enforce specific rules or behaviors in the model.

4. Generalization

Generalization is a relationship that indicates one model element (the child) is based on another model element (the parent) and inherits its characteristics. It is represented as a solid line with a hollow arrowhead pointing from the child to the parent.

5. Composition

Composition is a strong form of aggregation that represents a whole-part relationship where the part cannot exist independently of the whole. It is represented as a solid line with a filled diamond at the whole end.

6. Association

An association is a relationship between two classes that allows one class to be connected to another class. It is represented as a solid line connecting the two classes.

Components in the Attached Diagram

1. Stereotypes

  • Vehicle (Class): A stereotype representing a vehicle with attributes such as speed-limitpassengerid, and automatic-transmission.
  • Interior (Class): A stereotype representing the interior of a vehicle with an attribute painting.
  • Seat (Class): A stereotype representing a seat with attributes texture and pattern.
  • Body (Class): A stereotype representing the body of a vehicle with an attribute painting.
  • Mini (Class): A stereotype representing a mini vehicle.
  • Pickup Truck (Class): A stereotype representing a pickup truck with an attribute cargo-capacity.
  • Convertible (Class): A stereotype representing a convertible vehicle.

2. Attributes

  • Vehicle (Class):
    • speed-limit: Float = 0.0
    • passenger: Integer = 0
    • id: Integer = 0
    • automatic-transmission: Enum
  • Interior (Class):
    • painting: Text
  • Seat (Class):
    • texture: Text
    • pattern: Text
  • Body (Class):
    • painting: Text
  • Pickup Truck (Class):
    • cargo-capacity: Float = 0.0

3. Relationships

  • Composition:
    • The Vehicle class is composed of one Interior class and one Body class.
    • The Interior class is composed of one Seat class.
  • Generalization:
    • The MiniPickup Truck, and Convertible classes are specialized types of the Vehicle class.

4. Constraints

  • The diagram does not show any explicit constraints, but constraints can be added to enforce specific rules or behaviors in the model.

Steps to Create a UML Profile

  1. Identify Stereotypes: Determine the key stereotypes in your domain that you want to model.
  2. Define Tagged Values: Specify the additional information that needs to be added to the model elements.
  3. Add Constraints: Define conditions or rules that must be satisfied by the model.
  4. Establish Relationships: Draw lines to show the relationships between stereotypes, such as generalization, composition, and association.
  5. Apply Stereotypes: Use the defined stereotypes in your UML models to extend the standard UML vocabulary.

Practical Applications

UML profiles are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Domain-Specific Modeling: Creating domain-specific extensions to tailor UML models to specific domains or platforms.
  • Custom Attributes: Adding custom attributes to model elements to capture domain-specific information.
  • Enforcing Rules: Using constraints to enforce specific rules or behaviors in the model.
  • Reusability: Promoting reusability by defining stereotypes that can be applied across different models.


A UML profile provides a mechanism for extending UML to create domain-specific extensions. It allows you to define new stereotypes, tagged values, and constraints that can be applied to UML models to tailor them to specific domains or platforms. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create effective UML profiles to support your domain-specific modeling efforts.


  1. What is Profile Diagram in UML?
    • This guide provides a comprehensive overview of UML Profile Diagrams, explaining their purpose and key elements. It includes practical examples and tips for creating Profile Diagrams using Visual Paradigm31.
  2. Understanding Profile Diagrams in UML: A Comprehensive Guide – Visual Paradigm Guides
    • This article discusses the key concepts of UML Profile Diagrams, including their use in extending UML to meet specific modeling needs. It provides insights into the elements of a Profile Diagram and how to use them effectively32.
  3. How to Use Profile Diagram to Manage Stereotypes?
    • A tutorial on how to use Profile Diagrams to manage stereotypes in UML. It covers the basics of creating and applying stereotypes using Visual Paradigm33.
  4. UML Profiles – General Questions/Discussions – Discuss the Visual Paradigm
    • A forum discussion on UML Profiles, including general questions and discussions on their use and application in modeling34.
  5. UML Practical Guide – All you need to know about UML modeling
    • This practical guide covers various aspects of UML modeling, including the use of Profile Diagrams. It provides insights into how these diagrams are used in real-world applications and offers practical tips for creating them35.
  6. What is Unified Modeling Language (UML)?
    • This guide provides an introduction to UML and its various diagrams, including Profile Diagrams. It explains how these diagrams are used to extend UML for specific domains or platforms36.
  7. UML Profile Management – Visual Paradigm
    • A tutorial on managing UML Profiles using Visual Paradigm. It covers the basics of creating and applying profiles to extend UML for specific modeling needs37.
  8. UML profile for the ArchiMate modeling language – UML – Discuss the Visual Paradigm
    • A forum discussion on the UML Profile for the ArchiMate modeling language, including its use and application in enterprise architecture modeling38.
  9. Chapter 4. Profile and Stereotype – Visual Paradigm Community Circle
    • This resource provides an overview of UML Profiles and Stereotypes, explaining their purpose and how they are used to extend UML for specific domains or platforms39.
  10. 2. Stereotype – Visual Paradigm Community Circle
    • This article discusses the concept of stereotypes in UML, including their role in extending UML for specific modeling needs. It provides insights into how stereotypes are defined and applied within a UML profile40.

These references should provide a comprehensive understanding of UML Profiles and their applications.


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