BPMN vs Flowchart vs Activity Diagram: A Comprehensive Review

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Flowcharts, and Activity Diagrams are three popular tools used for modeling and visualizing processes. Each has its own strengths and is suited to different types of tasks. Below is a comprehensive review of these three tools, including key concepts, examples, and a comparison table.

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)

Key Concepts:

  1. Process: A sequence of activities performed to achieve a specific goal.
  2. Events: Something that happens during a process (e.g., start, end, intermediate events).
  3. Activities: Work performed within a process (e.g., tasks, sub-processes).
  4. Gateways: Decision points that determine the flow of the process (e.g., exclusive, inclusive, parallel gateways).
  5. Flow Objects: Includes events, activities, and gateways.
  6. Connecting Objects: Includes sequence flow, message flow, and associations.
  7. Swimlanes: Used to organize activities into separate categories, often representing different roles or departments.


Consider a simple order processing system:

  1. Start Event: Order Received
  2. Task: Verify Order
  3. Exclusive Gateway: Is Order Valid?
    • Yes: Proceed to “Prepare Order”
    • No: Proceed to “Notify Customer”
  4. Task: Prepare Order
  5. Task: Ship Order
  6. End Event: Order Completed


Key Concepts:

  1. Start/End: Indicates the beginning and end of a process.
  2. Process: Represents a task or activity.
  3. Decision: Represents a point where a decision is made, usually leading to different paths.
  4. Input/Output: Represents data entering or leaving the process.
  5. Flowlines: Arrows that indicate the direction of the process flow.


A simple flowchart for a customer support process:

  1. Start: Customer Calls
  2. Process: Answer Call
  3. Decision: Is Issue Resolved?
    • Yes: Proceed to “End Call”
    • No: Proceed to “Escalate Issue”
  4. Process: Escalate Issue
  5. Process: Resolve Issue
  6. End: End Call

Activity Diagram

Key Concepts:

  1. Initial Node: Represents the start of the workflow.
  2. Activity: Represents a task or action.
  3. Decision Node: Represents a branching point based on a condition.
  4. Merge Node: Combines multiple incoming flows into one.
  5. Fork/Join: Splits a flow into multiple concurrent flows (fork) and synchronizes them back into one (join).
  6. Final Node: Represents the end of the workflow.
  7. Swimlanes: Used to group activities based on responsibility or role.


An activity diagram for a software development process:

  1. Initial Node: Start
  2. Activity: Requirements Gathering
  3. Activity: Design
  4. Fork: Split into parallel activities
    • Activity: Coding
    • Activity: Testing
  5. Join: Synchronize coding and testing
  6. Decision Node: Is Software Acceptable?
    • Yes: Proceed to “Deployment”
    • No: Proceed to “Revise Requirements”
  7. Activity: Deployment
  8. Final Node: End

Comparison Table

Feature BPMN Flowchart Activity Diagram
Purpose Modeling business processes Visualizing algorithms and processes Modeling workflows and operations
Complexity High Low to Medium Medium to High
Standardization Standardized by OMG No standardization Standardized by OMG
Use Cases Business process management Simple processes, algorithms Software development, workflows
Notation Rich set of symbols Simple set of symbols Rich set of symbols
Decision Points Gateways Decision boxes Decision nodes
Concurrency Supported Not supported Supported
Swimlanes Yes No Yes
Events Start, end, intermediate events Start/End symbols Initial/Final nodes
Tool Support Many BPMN tools available Basic drawing tools UML tools


BPMN, Flowcharts, and Activity Diagrams each serve different purposes and are suited to different types of tasks. BPMN is ideal for complex business processes, Flowcharts are great for simple algorithms and processes, and Activity Diagrams are well-suited for modeling software development workflows. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool can help you choose the right one for your specific needs.

BPMN References