Stakeholder Analysis

تحلیل ذینفعان

Stakeholder Analysis is a project management tool. It helps to identify internal and external stakeholders that may influence or be influenced by the solutions proposed during the project implementation which an important process that successful people use to win support from others. Managing stakeholders can help you to ensure that your projects succeed where others might fail.

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What is a composite state in a UML state machine diagram?

وضعیت ترکیبی در نمودار ماشین حالت UML چیست؟

A simple state is one which has no substructure. A state which has substates (nested states) is called a composite state. Substates may be nested to any level. A nested state machine may have at most one initial state and one final state. Substates are used to simplify complex flat state machines by showing that some states are only possible within a particular context (the enclosing state).

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What is Behavioral Things in UML?

چیزهای رفتاری در UML چیست؟

The behavioral things is the dynamic part of the UML model. These are the verbs of a model. Represents actions in time and space. In general, there are two main kinds of behavioral things. (1) Interactions (2) state machines. They are the basic behavioral things that you may include in a UML model, typically the state machine diagram. Semantically, these elements are usually connected to various structural elements, primarily classes, collaborations, and objects.

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Agile team: The Development Maturity

تیم چابک: بلوغ توسعه

When teams first start agile development, little has changed, other than perhaps more meetings on the schedule. They may still operate separately or limit their interactions with customers. You might see the work break down into waterfall kind of tasks, then design user stories, then build stories, then test stories. Therefore, the “Agile Teams” are agile in form when they just walk around without understanding or accepting agile principles and values. Teams become agile when they think and act in line with agile values and principles.

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