Venn Diagram: A Comprehensive Tutorial

نمودار ون: یک آموزش جامع

Venn diagrams are graphical or pictorial representations of relationships between different groups of things. Venn Diagram was invented by John Venn around 1880. Venn diagrams are also called set diagrams. Venn diagrams give a logical representation of the groups or sets. Relationships between two or three sets can be easily understood with the help of Venn diagrams. In mathematics, Venn diagrams are used to analyze known information obtained from surveys, data reports, and tables.

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Strategic Planning to Actionable Items: From SWOT to TOWS Analysis

برنامه‌ریزی استراتژیک به اقلام قابل اقدام: از تحلیل SWOT تا TOWS

SWOT matrix is a planning tool, whereas TOWS matrix is an action tool. In SWOT analysis you identify all the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in point form. After that you think of each point as a singular perspective. Whereas, TOWS matrix identifies the relationships between these factors and selecting strategies on their bases. Strengths and weaknesses are abstract concepts that can be hard to think about without any sort of context.

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A Comprehensive Tutorial on SSADM

یک آموزش جامع در مورد SSADM

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) structural systems analysis and design methods, standards set in the early 1980s development, is widely used in the design and application of the calculation. It uses a combination of text and diagrams for system design throughout the life cycle, from the initial design concept to the application of actual physical design.

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A Comprehensive Guide to BPMN

راهنمای جامع BPMN

BPMN stands for Business Process Modeling Notation. BPMN is very similar to the concept of flowcharting that has been around since the 1980s. Like flowcharting BPMN modeling has the aim of allowing a person to map a workflow in such a way that it can be understood easily by other interested parties.

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