6 tips on restaurant menu design! Double your Revenue

6 نکته در طراحی منوی رستوران! درآمد خود را دو برابر کنید

The importance of good menu design to a restaurant is self-evident. It can not only significantly increase the profit of the restaurant, but also create imaginative space for customers by using rich graphic information, and help the restaurant attract countless repeat customers. Now you can create professional infographics, flyers and marketing visuals with Visual Paradigm Online in minutes, even if you’re not a graphic designer.

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Fault tree analysis (FTA) — Secret weapon for root cause analysis

تحلیل درخت خطا (FTA) — سلاح مخفی برای تحلیل علل ریشه‌ای

Fault tree analysis is one of the most commonly used methods in system reliability analysis. It is a process of system design or improvement by analyzing various factors that may lead to system failure, including hardware, software, environment, human factors, etc. By drawing the fault tree, we can determine the possible combinations of modes and the probability of the cause of the system failure. The failure probability of the system is calculated and the corresponding measures are taken.

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The Best Free Tools to Create Professional Infographics

بهترین ابزارهای رایگان برای ایجاد اینفوگرافیک‌های حرفه‌ای

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is an infographic worth? Infographics have both text and pictures, so they represent the best of both worlds. If you don’t have design skills, how can you collect research and data into an attractive infographic? Fortunately, there are a good free infographic design tool that can help you create fascinating professional infographics. Whether it is to create social media infographics for your website or for professional presentations, you can use a variety of high-quality tools to make beautiful infographics.

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Design professional isometric illustration

طراحی حرفه‌ای تصویرسازی ایزومتریک

Like social media, isometric design allows you to have more perspectives on the subject. Isometric technology also allows you to display more details with less complexity. With the ability to display 3D space, it can open corners and gaps that were previously unusable. Give the design more space to accommodate your creativity. They can see the sides and top of the design and let the audience know more. Create eye-catching printable isometric diagrams. Personalize it for free to suit your brand and event, and the product or service looks great in 3D.

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A Comprehensive Guide for PDCA

راهنمای جامع برای PDCA

PDCA is considered one of the most popular frameworks for continuous improvement of business processes. PDCA (plan do check action), also known as Deming cycle, is the simplest framework for process improvement. Basically, it’s a series of feedback cycles of continuous improvement — you decide how it works, figure out how to improve it, eventually make changes, and keep repeating the cycle. I believe PDCA is the simplest and most effective way to help you improve your workflow.

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Make an eye-catching CV with Infographic

یک رزومه جذاب با اینفوگرافیک بسازید

The traditional “apply and wait” application process is no longer adopted by many employers. Today, they browse for career seekers on social media, i.e. LinkedIn, visit blog or personal websites and consider more creative job applications. Infographic CV are a creative way for employers to be persuaded that they deserve your attention. Although infographic CVs typically do not replace standard resumes entirely, they are perfect for a blog or social networking site to view, upload, and attach to as a visual portfolio in your applications.

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How to Make a beautiful postcard in Just Minutes

چگونه در عرض چند دقیقه یک کارت پستال زیبا بسازیم

Still remember the last time you were in a book shop: Remember that row of ordinary, monotonous postcards? Whether you’re promoting your business, promoting your new product campaign, or creating a fun personal greeting on a social network, you can start with a great postcard. Skip the business-heavy box and create something unique! Use Visual Paradigm Infographic to design your own postcard to show your friends, fans, and loved ones that you care.

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Six Thinking Hats Tutorial

آموزش شش کلاه تفکر

The six thinking hats technique, proposed Edward de Bono in 1999, encourages a group to approach the issue at hand from a number of different perspectives. This forces the team to move outside their habitual thinking style, and helps them to get a more rounded view of a situation. It is an important and powerful technique to debate an issue, solve a problem or to arrive at an important decision.

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