Project Management — What is a Project?

مدیریت پروژه — پروژه چیست؟

Modern and effective project management techniques require skills that allow the seamless integration of best practice tools with good leadership and team management within an organization for improving the likelihood of success of time-limited initiatives. These practices include establishing clear accountabilities, defining objectives and outcomes, establishing the scope, planning, monitoring, and reporting controls for project activities.

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Scrum: Why Sprint Length should be Short?

اسکرام: چرا طول اسپرینت باید کوتاه باشد؟

Sprinting is running over a short distance in a limited period of time. It is used in many sports that incorporate running, typically as a way of quickly reaching a target or goal, or avoiding or catching an opponent. A sprint is a time box. Each sprint has a start and end date during which a set of selected user stories have to be completed and confirmed. The following image shows you the key elements of a sprint, which includes a set of user stories, the scrum members involved, the assignment of work, the duration and end date (top-right corner).

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Scrum Team — I-Shaped vs T-Shaped People

تیم اسکرام — افراد با شکل I در مقابل افراد با شکل T

Some people are very proficient in a particular field, but rarely contribute outside of that field. These people are called “I-types” in the agile community because they are like the letter “I” in that they have depth, but not much breadth. In contrast, “T-people” have complementary expertise in one area, but less developed skills in related areas and good collaboration skills.

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