Do More with LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) Framework: with Tool Illustration

بیشتر انجام دهید با چارچوب LeSS (اسکرام مقیاس بزرگ): با تصویر ابزار

LeSS was created by Bas Vodde and Craig Larman from practical experience in scaling up Scrum, founded as the LeSS Company in 2014. The “More with LeSS” principle is at the heart of LeSS (Large Scale Scrum). Complex product development doesn’t require complex solutions. It requires a deep understanding of the essence of the problems, which can then be solved with simpler solutions.

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تخمین چابک چیست؟ دام‌های رایج کدامند؟

تخمین چابک چیست؟ دام‌های رایج کدامند؟

In software development , the usual “estimation” includes a quantitative evaluation of the work required to perform a given development task; this is usually expressed in terms of duration (hour / day) or estimated unit (story point). The purpose is to consolidate a number of such individual estimates in order to obtain an indication of the overall duration, work or cost of the software project.

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Sprint Review vs Sprint Retrospective

بررسی اسپرینت در مقابل بازنگری اسپرینت

Each sprint ends with a two-part sprint review meeting. Such a meeting starts with a customer review and demonstration and ends with the team retrospective. Both of these components occur on the last day of the sprint. The Sprint Review focuses on the “inspect” and “adapt” of the increment (Potentially shippable), while the Sprint Retrospective give more focus on the “inspect” and “adapt” of the process of the sprint.

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