Scrum: How to Refine Product Backlog?

Scrum: Bagaimana Cara Memperbaiki Product Backlog?

Not all items in the product backlog will be of the same size and level of detail (i.e. features/ eprics/ user stories and tasks) at the same time. PBIs that we plan to work on soon should be at the top of the backlog, smaller in size, and very detailed so that they can be worked on in the near-term sprint. PBIs that we won’t be working on for some time should be at the bottom of the backlog, larger, and less detailed.

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Scrum Product Owner: The Role and Responsibilities

Pemilik Produk Scrum: Peran dan Tanggung Jawab

A Product Owner is responsible for telling what should be developed and the order of items that needs to be fulfilled. You can consider him as the sole authority that would tell the rest of the team what they need to create and which features should come first. In short, he is the one who tells the other members of the team about what they should be coming up with.

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The Brief of History of Scrum

Gambaran Singkat Sejarah Scrum

The history of the Scrum method starts in 1986. That year, two Japanese business experts introduced the term in the context of product development. Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka published the article, “New New Product Development Game” (the double “New” is indeed part of the title) in the Harvard Business Review. The authors described a new approach to commercial product development that would increase speed and flexibility. Their inspiration came from case studies from manufacturing firms in the automotive, photocopier, and printer industries.

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How is Scrum Related to Agile Manifesto?

Bagaimana Scrum Terkait dengan Manifesto Agile?

The Agile Manifesto details some fundamental agile philosophies, one of which is a preference for Empirical Process control — which maintains that knowledge is derived from experience and decision making is based on what is known. Scrum is an Empirical Process based on inspection, adaptation, and transparency. gave the name “Agile” to the movement.

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