Sebuah diagram aktivitas mirip dengan diagram alur kerja bisnis (atau BPMN) atau diagram alur sederhana, dengan semantik yang lebih kaya.
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Sebuah diagram aktivitas mirip dengan diagram alur kerja bisnis (atau BPMN) atau diagram alur sederhana, dengan semantik yang lebih kaya.
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Continue readingpemodelan kasus penggunaan adalah alat yang berguna untuk menangkap kebutuhan. Ini memberikan representasi grafis dari kebutuhan sistem perangkat lunak. Dengan
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Continue readingCross-functional Flowcharts (or known as swimlane diagram, Swimlane flowchart, cross-functional process diagram) bring clarity to processes by defining who does what. Each swim lane is representative of a person, team, or stakeholder, making it evident who is responsible for which stage in the process to help avoid confusion.
Continue readingWhile the basic flowchart clearly illustrates the entire process, it does not clearly show which role is responsible for each step of the process. In order to effectively represent who is responsible for each process, it can be realized by swimlane flowchart, which not only reflects the whole activity control flow, but also clearly knows the responsibility that each role takes in the process.
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