Introduction to TOGAF (Part 3 of 4) Phase B, C and D

In Phase B, C & D — Business, Information & Technology Architecture TOGAF is developed based on the Architecture Vision.

Business, application and Technology Architecture describes

  • Business, application and Technology Processes and People involved in it.
  • Relationship between business processes and people.
  • Principles governing business processes, its design and evolution


  • Develop Target Business, application and Technology Architecture
  • Identify Architecture Roadmap components based on gaps between baseline and target business architectures.


  • Business, application and Technology Architecture contains product and service strategy based on Architecture vision. Business Architecture is required before work on any other architecture work in any other domain.
  • Developing the Baseline Approach–Usually Target architecture is top-down but baseline architecture is usually done bottom up.
  • Business, application and Technology Modeling — An extension of the business scenario technique in which variety of modeling tools are used to model business processes. Example: Activity Model, Use Case Models and Class Models.
  • Architecture Repository — Get all available architecture assets from Architecture Repository.

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