Manage the development of TOGAF ADM deliverables in a task management tool. Develop Enterprise Architecture collaboratively with your team members.
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Manage the development of TOGAF ADM deliverables in a task management tool. Develop Enterprise Architecture collaboratively with your team members.
Continue readingPhase E is the first phase that does the actual implementation of the Target architecture developed in the previous phases. This phase provides the process to identify major implementation projects and grouping these projects into work packages.
Continue readingArchitecture Vision TOGAF is required for every architecture cycle.
Continue readingPreliminary phase is the initial phase of the TOGAF ADM Process. In this phase the preparation and initiation activities for creating an Architecture Capability are carried out. It includes key activities
Continue readingThe ‘Statement of Architecture Work’ defines the scope and approach that will be used to complete an architecture project. This video shows you how to develop a Statement of Architecture Work.
Continue readingBefore embarking upon a detailed Architecture Definition, it is valuable to understand the baseline and target capability level of the enterprise. This video shows you how to assess an organization’s business and IT capabilities.
Continue readingEnterprise architectures contain large volumes of complex and inter-dependent information. Effective communication of targeted information to the right stakeholders at the right time is a critical success factor for enterprise architecture. This video shows you how to develop a Communications Plan.
Continue readingProvides a high-level, aspirational view of the end architecture product. The purpose of the vision is to agree at the outset what the desired outcome should be for the architecture, so that architects can then focus on the critical areas to validate feasibility. This video shows you how to develop an Architecture Vision document.
Continue readingA software development process is a recipe used for constructing software determining the capabilities it has, how it is constructed, who works on what, and the time frames for all activities. Processes aim to bring discipline and predictability to software development, increasing the chance of success of a project .UML is the language for modeling your software, it’s an important part of the software development process. Modelling consists of building an abstraction of reality. Abstractions are simplifications that They ignore irrelevant details and They only represent the relevant details.
Continue readingA package is a grouping of model elements which means that a package can contain model elements of different kinds, including other packages to create hierarchies. A package defines a namespace for its contents using for various purposes.
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