Czym jest oszacowanie w metodyce zwinnej? Jakie są powszechne pułapki?

Czym jest oszacowanie w metodyce zwinnej? Jakie są powszechne pułapki?

In software development , the usual “estimation” includes a quantitative evaluation of the work required to perform a given development task; this is usually expressed in terms of duration (hour / day) or estimated unit (story point). The purpose is to consolidate a number of such individual estimates in order to obtain an indication of the overall duration, work or cost of the software project.

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Top 7 Most Popular Agile Estimation Methods for User Stories

Top 7 Najpopularniejszych Metod Estymacji Agile dla Historii Użytkownika

In software development, „estimation” in the usual sense includes a quantitative assessment of the effort required to perform a specific development task; this is usually expressed in terms of duration. Agile estimation is the process of evaluating the effort required to complete the tasks on a product’s backlog in order of priority. This effort is usually measured in terms of the time required to complete the task, which in turn leads to accurate sprint planning.

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Agile Estimation in Scrum? Story Point and Planning Poker

Agile Estymacja w Scrumie? Punkty historii i Planning Poker

Whether the team is working on a product or a project, we need to answer the question, „When will we get it done?” „Or how much we can do at a certain point in time, so as in the traditional development model, we need to estimate the effort before we start the project. During the development of Scrum, the team shared responsibility and collectively committed to the work of each Sprint, so the estimated workload for the agile team used a collective estimation approach.

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Scrum Team — I-Shaped vs T-Shaped People

Zespół Scrum — Ludzie w kształcie I vs w kształcie T

Some people are very proficient in a particular field, but rarely contribute outside of that field. These people are called „I-types” in the agile community because they are like the letter „I” in that they have depth, but not much breadth. In contrast, „T-people” have complementary expertise in one area, but less developed skills in related areas and good collaboration skills.

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Podejście Lean + Agile do rozwoju oprogramowania

Podejście Lean + Agile do rozwoju oprogramowania

Although often treated as distinct methodologies, both Agile and Lean are rooted in similar values. These methodologies continue to evolve as they expand into new industries, applications, and opportunities, and many organizations have had amazing success in drawing on elements of both. Using Lean’s systems thinking and continuous improvement approach, agile development practices can be used to help organizations build healthy, innovative organizations that can sustainably deliver customer value.

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Agile Backlog Prioritization Technique: MoSCoW

Technika priorytetyzacji backlogu Agile: MoSCoW

MoSCoW Method provides a way to categorize users’ requirements based on their priority. It helps develop a clear understanding of the customers’ requirements and their priority. MoSCoW stands for must, should, could and would. Visual Paradigm comes with a rich set of diagram templates. You may start with a blank diagram or a pre-made MoSCoW Method template.

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