Risk Management for Software Development

Zarządzanie ryzykiem w rozwoju oprogramowania

Risk management is a system for identifying, addressing and eliminating issues that may be detrimental to the cost, schedule or technical success of a project or to the morale of the project team. „Tomorrow’s problems are today’s risks.” Therefore, „risk” is clearly defined as a problem that could cause some damage or threaten the project schedule, but has not yet occurred.

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What is MVC Framework?

Czym jest framework MVC?

MVC (known as Model-View-Controller) is a pattern in software design that is commonly used to implement user interfaces, data, and control logic. It emphasizes the separation between the business logic and presentation of the software. This “separation of concerns” provides better division of labor and better maintenance.

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Przegląd cyklu życia rozwoju oprogramowania (SDLC)

Przegląd cyklu życia rozwoju oprogramowania (SDLC)

In software engineering, the software development lifecycle is the process of dividing the software development effort into smaller, parallel or continuous steps or sub-processes to improve design, product management. This approach may include predefined specific deliverables and artifacts that the project team creates and completes for the development or maintenance of the software applications.

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A Comprehensive Tutorial on SSADM

Kompleksowy poradnik dotyczący SSADM

Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) structural systems analysis and design methods, standards set in the early 1980s development, is widely used in the design and application of the calculation. It uses a combination of text and diagrams for system design throughout the life cycle, from the initial design concept to the application of actual physical design.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Flowchart with 50+ Examples

Kompletny przewodnik po diagramach przepływu z ponad 50 przykładami

A flowchart is a diagram of the sequence of steps in a process. It is a general purpose tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as manufacturing processes, management or service processes, or project planning. It is often defined as a graphical representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach to a task. It displays the steps as various types of boxes and shows their order by connecting the boxes with arrows.

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