UML Package Diagram Tutorial Using Visual Paradigm

A UML Package Diagram is used to organize and group parts of a system into packages, making it easier to manage complex systems. Packages can contain classes, interfaces, sub-packages, and other UML elements. In this tutorial, we will walk through how to interpret and create a UML Package Diagram based on the provided diagram.

UML Package Diagram Tutorial Using Visual Paradigm

1. Understanding the Elements of the Provided UML Package Diagram

The provided diagram contains several key features typical of a UML package diagram. Let’s break them down:

a. Packages

  • Packages are represented by rectangles with tabs at the top. They are containers that group related elements (like classes or sub-packages).
  • In the diagram:
    • Ordering (subsystem) is a package that contains several classes or components, such as UI, Order Processing, Price Calculator, and External Storage.
    • Storage Management is an abstract package, containing Repository and FileStorage classes.
    • External Storage (inside the Ordering package) has generalization relationships with Random Storage and Stream Storage.

b. Subsystem

  • A Subsystem is a higher-level abstraction that groups sets of functionalities. In the diagram, the Ordering package is marked as a subsystem (<<subsystem>>), representing a specific module in the system.

c. Dependencies

  • Dependencies indicate that one package or class depends on another. This is represented by dashed arrows.
  • In the diagram:
    • The Order Processing class has a dependency on the External Storage package.
    • The Ordering subsystem depends on the GUImanager class.

d. Generalization

  • Generalization relationships indicate inheritance or implementation between classes or packages. This is represented by a solid line with a triangle at one end.
  • In the diagram:
    • External Storage is a generalization of Random Storage and Stream Storage, meaning these two classes inherit from External Storage.

e. Abstract Package

  • The Storage Management package is abstract, which is indicated by the italicized name of the package. It typically means that the package contains abstract elements that cannot be instantiated directly.

f. Concrete Package

  • A Concrete Package contains real entities or classes that can be instantiated. In the diagram, Repository and FileStorage are concrete packages under Storage Management.

g. External Packages

  • The GUImanager is an external package/component that is outside the Ordering subsystem but has a dependency relationship with it. This is shown by the dashed arrow pointing from UI to GUImanager.

2. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a UML Package Diagram Using Visual Paradigm

Step 1: Open Visual Paradigm

  • Launch Visual Paradigm and create a new project.
  • Select Diagram from the toolbar and choose Package Diagram from the list of UML diagrams.

Step 2: Add a Main Subsystem (Package)

  • Use the Package tool from the toolbox to create a package.
  • Name the package Ordering and add the stereotype <<subsystem>> to show that it’s a subsystem.

Step 3: Add Classes Inside the Package

  • Inside the Ordering package, add the following elements:
    • UI
    • Order Processing
    • Price Calculator
    • External Storage (which will later have subclasses)
  • You can do this by dragging the Class tool inside the package area and naming the classes accordingly.

Step 4: Create Dependencies

  • Use the Dependency tool (dashed arrow) to establish the following relationships:
    • From Order Processing to External Storage
    • From UI to GUImanager (External Package)

Step 5: Add Generalization Relationships

  • Under the External Storage class, add two more classes: Random Storage and Stream Storage.
  • Use the Generalization tool (solid line with a triangle) to connect Random Storage and Stream Storage to External Storage, indicating inheritance.

Step 6: Add the Abstract Package

  • Create the Storage Management package outside of the Ordering subsystem.
  • Mark it as abstract by italicizing the name or adding a note indicating that it’s abstract.
  • Inside Storage Management, add Repository and FileStorage as concrete classes/packages.

Step 7: Establish External Dependencies

  • Use the Dependency tool again to show the relationship between Ordering and the external GUImanager package.

Step 8: Finalize the Diagram

  • Make sure all relationships are correctly represented:
    • Dependencies are shown with dashed lines.
    • Generalizations are shown with solid lines and triangles.
    • External packages and classes are clearly indicated.

3. Key Points to Remember

  • Packages are used to group related elements, helping to manage the complexity of a large system.
  • Dependencies show that one package or class relies on another.
  • Generalization shows inheritance or implementation relationships.
  • Subsystems are higher-order packages that represent a particular module in the system.
  • Abstract Packages cannot be instantiated directly, while Concrete Packages can.
  • External Packages are outside the main subsystem but can still interact with elements inside it.

4. Conclusion

This tutorial has walked you through the steps to create a UML Package Diagram using Visual Paradigm, based on the provided diagram. Package diagrams are essential for organizing large systems, especially when different subsystems or modules interact with one another. By using Visual Paradigm, you can easily create and manage these diagrams, making your system architecture more understandable and maintainable.

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