Understanding Communication Diagrams: Modeling MVC Patterns


Communication diagrams, also known as collaboration diagrams in UML 1.x, are a type of interaction diagram that emphasizes the relationships between objects and the messages they exchange. These diagrams provide a more flexible view of interactions compared to sequence diagrams, making them particularly useful for understanding the flow of control between different interactions in a system. This article will delve into the key concepts of communication diagrams, focusing on how they model the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, and provide a detailed interpretation of a communication diagram example.

Key Concepts of Communication Diagrams

Objects and Links

  • Objects: Represented by rectangles, objects in a communication diagram are instances of classes or interfaces. They are the primary entities that participate in the interactions.
  • Links: Lines connecting objects, representing associations or other relationships between them. Links can be simple associations, aggregations, or compositions.


  • Messages: Arrows between objects that represent the communication between them. Messages can be synchronous (solid arrows) or asynchronous (dashed arrows).
  • Message Types:
    • Synchronous Messages: Represent method calls where the caller waits for the callee to complete the operation.
    • Asynchronous Messages: Represent signals or events where the caller does not wait for the callee to complete the operation.

Sequence Numbers

  • Sequence Numbers: Numbers next to messages that indicate the order in which the messages are sent. These numbers help in understanding the sequence of interactions.

Modeling the MVC Pattern

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is a design pattern used for developing user interfaces that divides the related program logic into three interconnected elements. This separation helps manage complex applications by dividing the responsibilities:

  • Model: Manages the data, logic, and rules of the application.
  • View: Represents the UI elements, such as text boxes, drop-down lists, etc.
  • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between Model and View, processing all the business logic and incoming requests, manipulating data using the Model, and interacting with the View to display the output.

Interpreting the Communication Diagram

Communication diagram

Let’s analyze the communication diagram provided, which models the MVC pattern for scheduling an inspection:

Actors and Objects

  • Inspector: The user who initiates the inspection scheduling process.
  • Inspector Assistant: Another user who reviews the inspection details.
  • InspectionForm: The UI component that allows users to input inspection details.
  • InspectionList: The UI component that displays a list of inspections.
  • SafetyInspectionController: The controller that manages the inspection process.
  • SafetyInspection: The model that represents the inspection data.

Links and Messages

  1. Inspector selects an inspection (Message 1):
    • The Inspector selects an inspection from the InspectionList.
    • This action triggers a message to pop up the InspectionForm (Message 2).
  2. InspectionForm loads the inspection (Messages 3 and 8):
    • The InspectionForm sends a message to the SafetyInspectionController to load the selected inspection (Message 3).
    • The SafetyInspectionController retrieves the inspection details from the SafetyInspection model (Message 4).
    • The SafetyInspectionController then sends the inspection details back to the InspectionForm (Message 8).
  3. Inspector specifies the inspection date (Messages 5, 6, and 7):
    • If the inspection is not expired, the Inspector specifies the inspection date (Message 5).
    • If the inspection is expired, the Inspector specifies the expired inspection date (Message 6).
    • The Inspector clicks the save button on the InspectionForm (Message 7).
  4. InspectionForm saves the inspection (Messages 9 to 14):
    • The InspectionForm sends a message to the SafetyInspectionController to save the inspection details (Message 9).
    • The SafetyInspectionController updates the SafetyInspection model with the new details (Messages 10 to 14).
  5. Inspector Assistant reviews the inspection details (Messages 15 to 18):
    • The Inspector Assistant reviews the inspection details (Message 15).
    • The Inspector Assistant selects the inspection from the InspectionList (Message 16).
    • The Inspector Assistant clicks the save button on the InspectionForm (Message 17).
    • The InspectionForm sends a message to the SafetyInspectionController to save the inspection details (Message 18).
    • The SafetyInspectionController retrieves the inspection details from the SafetyInspection model (Message 19).
    • The SafetyInspectionController sends the inspection details back to the InspectionForm (Message 20).
    • The Inspector Assistant reviews the updated inspection details (Message 21).

Sequence Numbers

  • Sequence Numbers: The numbers next to the messages indicate the order in which the messages are sent. For example, Message 1 is the first message sent, and Message 21 is the last message sent.

Significance of Communication Diagrams

Communication diagrams are instrumental in the software development process for several reasons:

  1. System Design: They help in visualizing the dynamic behavior of a system by showing the sequence of interactions between objects.
  2. Communication: They serve as a visual aid for stakeholders to understand the system’s behavior without delving into technical details.
  3. Requirement Analysis: They assist in identifying and documenting the system’s requirements by illustrating the interactions between objects.
  4. Testing: They provide a basis for creating test cases to verify that the system meets the specified requirements.


Communication diagrams are a powerful tool in software engineering for visualizing the dynamic behavior of a system. By illustrating the sequence of interactions between objects, these diagrams facilitate better communication, requirement analysis, and system design. The MVC pattern example demonstrates how communication diagrams can effectively capture the essential interactions within a system, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of its behavior. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, communication diagrams provide the tools and insights needed to design and document complex systems effectively.


Visual Paradigm

  1. What is Communication Diagram?
  2. How to Draw Communication Diagram?
  3. Communication Diagram – UML 2 Diagrams


  1. Communication Diagram – UML 2 Tutorial
  2. UML Diagrams: A Comprehensive Guide
  3. Communication Diagram – Unified Modeling Language (UML)


  1. What is Sequence Diagram – ArchiMetric
  2. Introduction to UML Diagrams in Visual Paradigm
  3. Navigating UML: An Overview of the 14 Diagram Types and Their Relevance in Agile Environments

These references provide a comprehensive understanding of communication diagrams and UML, along with practical guides on using Visual Paradigm for creating these diagrams.