Why Scrum Masters love Scrum?

A Scrum master is a member of a Scrum team. Their task is to create a productive work environment and guide others to understand the values, principles, and practices of Scrum. Scrum masters tend to be people-oriented, have a high EQ, and find joy in helping their team members grow.

Scrum masters like scrum for many reasons:

  • Scrum Masters focus on having quantifiable impact rather than administrative responsibilities — a rising velocity has a direct tie to additional value that the scrum team can deliver.
  • Scrum Masters coach people rather than serve as check-the-box managers. They get to enable people rather than direct them.
  • Scrum Masters are involved with fewer meetings, and the meetings they are involved with are shorter in duration.
  • Scrum Masters facilitate building empowered, self-motivated teams that think for themselves and act with authority.
  • Performance accountability isn’t outsourced to the Scrum Master; instead, accountability is sourced directly to the person doing the work.

As a servant leader, the scrum master teaches, encourages, removes tactical impediments, and most importantly, removes strategic impediments so that the tactical ones don’t reappear. As with every other role, the scrum master is best full-time and solely dedicated to the scrum master job, especially with new teams, projects, and organizations

Other Scrum Role Articles

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